Noah's Ark Preschool (NAPS) is a Christian based preschool and a place for the development of the total child-spiritually, physically, emotionally, intellectualy, and socially. For enrollment or information please contact us. Enrollment is open to any child ages 8 weeks-4 years old.

A $100 annual registration fee per child is payable upon enrollment of the fall and spring semesters. A $75 summer registration fee also applies to each child attending our summer program.
Noah's Ark Preschool admits students of any race, gender, religion, color, and national or ethnic origin. Priorities for enrollment are as follows:
1. Current Noah's Ark Preschool students and children of staff
2. Siblings of current students
3. Saint Mark church members
4. General public by date application is received
The following considerations are used when making class assignments: balancing boy/girl ratios, blending of ages by class, and grouping recommendations by previous teahers. Noah's Ark Preschool strives to make classroom placements that are beneficial to each child.
Tuition is due on the 1st and late on the 10th of each month. Monthly tuition remains the same with no deductions made for absences, vacations, school holidays or school closings.
Noah's Ark Preschool follows the Tuscaloosa County Schools calendar for holiday and weather closings with the exception of our summer program. The hours of operations from August-May are 7:10am-4:15pm. Our summer program operates June and July, Monday-Thursday from 7:10am-4:00pm.
All classes utilize child -centered, play based learning with weekly themes. Bible story memory verses are all a part of each child's learning experience.
Infants-8 children to 2 teachers
Young Ones- 6 children to 1 teacher
Older Ones-7 children to 1 teacher
Young Twos-12 children to 2 teachers
Older Twos-14 children to 2 teachers
Threes-8 children to 1 teacher
Fours-10 children to 1 teacher
All staff are CPR Certified, background checked, maintain continuing education hours, and attend regular informative staff meetings.