At Saint Mark Church, we have two forms of expression
and distinct environments to live out our mission:
Traditional and Contemporary Services.
Between the Traditional and Contemporary Services
Bible based, life applicable teaching
Opportunities for connection and deepening relationship with others
Focused on reaching the “One” (person who is not here yet) & Mobilizing the “Ninety-
nine” (followers of Jesus/the church)
Use the arts, music and creativity to engage
Seeking to make an impact for Jesus personally, locally and globally
Same sermon series 3-5 times a year

Traditional Service
Hymns of our faith & tradition
Consistent order of worship
Choir, organ, piano & classical instruments
Liturgical elements such as Lord’s Prayer, Apostle’s Creed etc.
Multiple options and ministries for next steps
Primarily connect through Sunday AM groups/classes
Well defined outcomes (clean/clear)
Best for: people with traditional church background looking for the familiar and somewhat formal
Contemporary Service - THE ARK
Contemporary/ Modern worship music
Theme-oriented services, variety, changing orders
Band - drums, electric guitar, keyboard etc.
Multimedia & experiential elements
Curated and recommended next steps (simple)
Primarily connect through 1x events and midweek groups
Process-oriented outcomes (messy/ raw)
Best for: people looking for a modern, casual environment, music and teaching

Sonshine Kids is a vital part of our weekend worship services here at Saint Mark. We love to create safe and secure environments for kids to encounter the gospel in age-appropriate ways! Our host team will be ready to serve you and your family each weekend, making the check-in process easy for you.
1421 McFarland N Blvd,
Northport, AL 35476